Constitutionally speaking, outgoing-Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe would assume the seat of provisional president followed by the President of the Senate, assumed to be Francois Anick Joseph. A plurality of organizations have proposed former First Lady Mirlande H. Manigat
January 14, 2015: Proposed list of names for a transitional government read. Includes public reaction. Anchored byLoucko Desir and Callas.

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Wednesday, 14 January 2015 14:33
WASHINGTON, D.C. (defend.ht) – A proposed list of names and seats of individuals who would form a provisional government after having obtained the resignation of Michel Martelly as President of the Republic of Haiti was released and according to sources, is already circulating the offices of diplomats in Haiti. The transitional government is said to have been by proposed by political and civil society organizations who also plan a series of protests to demonstrate their resolve.
Constitutionally speaking, in the event Michel Martelly would resign, outgoing-Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe would become the provisional President. The possibility for Lamothe gaining acceptance under these conditions are slim, therefore, the President of the Senate, assumed to be Reverend Senator Pierre Anick Francois, highest ranking member of the majority party among the sitting ten senators, would be next in line.
It is likely a senator would withdraw their possibility of being part of the transitional government for reasons of a fragile democracy. The Grand Corp is operating at one third of its capacity, with ten senators, and the entire Chamber of Deputies has run out its mandate.
The list below, that said to be proposed and more workable has two women at its head. Read to the listeners of RCH 2000, It is being described as a Dream Team, recalling the 1992 USA Men’s Olympic Basketball Team which featured Michael Jordan, Larry Bird and Magic Johnson.
The list is as follows:
- President: Mirlande H. Manigat, former First Lady
- Prime Minister: Michelle Pierre Louis, former Prime Minister and Fellow at Harvard University
- Minister of the Interior: Himmler Rebu, former Colonel and outgoing Minister of Youth, Sports and Civic Action
- Minister of Justice: Gervais Charles, former President of the Port-au-Prince Bar Association, Federation of Bar Associations
- Minister of Foreign Affairs: Edouard Francisque
- Minister of Education: Pierre Marie Paquiot
- Minister of the Economy: Eddy Labossière
- Minister of Commerce: Claude Beauboeuf
- Minister of Tourism: Nathalie Buteau Antoine
- Minister of the Environment: Claude Prepty, Geological Engineer
- Minister of Public Works: Christian Rousseau
- Minister of Agriculture: Gérald Mathurin
- Minister of Social Affairs: Marjorie Michelle
- Minister of Health: Ariel Henry
- Minister of Culture and Communication: Eddy Jackson Alexis, Esteemed Journalist
- Minister of Sports: Roody Sanon
- Minister of Women and Rights: Danielle Magloire, Human rights advocate
- Director General of RTNH: Nancy Roc
This article was modified at 6:24 am, Thursday January 15, 2015.
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